Butterfly blessings are blessings with wings
They flutter about carrying wonderful things
They come in all shapes hour after hour
Giving hope to the lost, giving strength by their power
If one comes to you, please don't forget
To pass them along... on this thing called the net.
A FRIEND SENT ME THE FOLOWING POEM VIA E-MAIL. I want to share it with you, and also to share in the blessings it brought. I am sure you too have been blessed many times by an email. I sure have. This is just one precious example. Here is the Poem my sweet friend Patt sent to me today and also our conversation (via E-mail) follows it:
"Don't Miss Out"
The man whispered,
"God, speak to me
And a meadowlark sang.
But, the man did not hear
So the man yelled
"God, speak to me!"
And, the thunder rolled across the sky.
But, the man did not listen.
The man looked around and said,
"God let me see you"
And a star shined brightly.
But, the man did not notice.
And, the man shouted,
"God show me a miracle!"
And, a life was born.
But, the man did not know.
So, the man cried out in despair,
"Touch me God,
and let me know you are here!"
Whereupon, God reached down
and touched the man.
But, the man brushed
the BUTTERFLY away and walked on.
~author unknown~
Upon receiving this beautiful page I was deeply touched. Sweet Patt, who sent it to me, was at the time unaware she had started a butterfly blessing. I too was unaware, but quickly the chain reaction began.
I want to share with you now the e=mails we passed back & forth. After receiving the poem fom her, I wrote her the following, I didn't edit the letters we wrote, so there are bits and pieces that may seem irrevelant to you, but I wanted to remember them just as they were written at the time. (pay close attenion to the the last line in this one):
"And Blessings to you this beautiful day tooooooo!!!!!!! THAT Was beautiful....I passed it along......SO true!!! Have ya got rested up yet?? Know you enjoyed the party, but yes I know how it can sap a body.........We ended up staying home this weekend.....Mother and Daddy came over yesterday and we all enjoyed the day together....Jimmy cooked out on the grill....we all set out on patio, and just watched the beauty of the day for a while. Mom and Dad were both feeling good.....that was a true blessing!! I Plan on doing a whole lot of nothing today Ha.....
but will definately recognize the Lords touch, if I happen to see a BUTTERFLY :)) Love, to you, suny"
I then wrote a quick note responding to another friend, whom I had passed the above POEM page on to. The butterfly I had mentioned to Patt, had left my mind.....I then went out side but for a moment.....and came back in feeling Joyous!!!.....I coudn't wait to share with Patt what had happened after my first letter to her. I had said in it "I will definitly recognize the Lords touch, if I HAPPEN to see a butterfly" (which I seldom do)... so I hurriedly wrote:
"Oh I HAD to share this......I wrote you, then one more friend....got up to go in backyard to ask Jimmy a question......opened the door..and a BUTTERFLY flew right up to me!!!!!!
ISNT THAT NEAT????? OH , Hallelujah.....and PTL.......I was touched by
Him, and He used you to make me even more aware!!!!!"
At this time I was thinking.. this was such a wonderful thing.....that the Lord chose to bless me this day in this beautiful way!!!.....I then got a note back from Patt, that took the Lord out of the box I had unknowingly placed Him in (you see, I thought the butterfly was sent only to me).....She wrote:
"Oh Suny, We have been a part of something wonderful!!
You know what else, my dear aunt Hazel is dying and going to meet OUR LORD anytime. They dont think she will last the week. Mama's youngest sister. My thoughts have been with her too this day; since I got the post from my cousin telling me the time is running out for her on this earth.
Could also be that dear angel God sent me knew you would tell me this, which also reassures me.
He is truly everywhere;
He made time;
and we fuss and argue about evolution, HE made evolution, haha We mortals are so silly.
God bless you
Thanx for telling me of the butterfly.
See, it is raining here--- think on this-- there is no way I could have seen one here!!
But you just shared yours with me!!!!!
OH!! I realized the butterfly was her blessing also!! You see it turns out that I too had recieved news that my Mothers brother was not doing well, and I too had been "down". I did not know of Patts sadness, nor did she know of mine....but the Lord did. He took a poem she passed on and one little butterfly, and reached down in a most astounding way to touch and soothe two grieving hearts simutaniously, though we live miles and miles apart. First He sent His word to Patt, (the poem) She shared it with me. I then recieved it in my heart. I was blessed, almost immediately by it with the butterfly. I then shared THAT blessing with her. She in response received the new blessing, and through the Lord, opened up my eyes to the greatness of this blessing by reveiling to me that the butterfly blessing was not mine alone. It was hers too, and yours, and all I would share it with!!
Thus this page!! :))
Let us all be more aware of His touch, His voice, His presence in our everyday lifes..Aware that He truely is EVERYWHERE..Aware that His blessings come in every shape and form. I am touched daily by the Lord through this webtv.....by A poem, a note, and yes today even by a butterfly......
The point here, I think, is for us to recognize the Lords blessings in our lifes so we may SHARE them. At times we receive them, Hold onto them for a moment, then get sidetracked, and they are quickly forgotten.
But when we share them, they blossom into Butterfly Blessings (Blessings with wings) and are then cherished and remembered by Many... for a life time, and maybe even forever.

~May your days be filled with Gods~~
~For they are blessings on wings, Don't you see~
~If we hold them to close~
~And don't share them~
~They'll die in captivity~
~Set them free so that they may touch others~
~And go on indefinitely~

Thank you Patt for the inspiration you have given me so many many times!!
midi playing: "I Love You Lord"