Hello my friends! As you can see,
Im making a page
No reason really, but its free!
So stick around put up ur feet,
You never know,
It might be neat!
My friends' pages I have found,
In personal info do abound,
So here I go,not much to tell,
If you ask friends that know me well.
Im House wife, Mother, Granny too,
I am a little silly true,
My age is close to forty or so,
Which side of forty..youll never know!!
I love to play with my web tv,
At times this really bothers me,
I must admit, I must confess,
because of it my house is a mess.
I also enjoy our family pets,
We have seven you can imagine how that gets!
All are dogs, no birds no cat,
Just don't think I could handle that,
Hubby's sweet I know he cares,
been mine for thrity years!
Oh we've had our ups and downs,
But we're ready for a few more rounds!
My son is Justin,24,
Please let me tell you more,
He's bright, he's funny, good looking as well,
I totally adore him as you can tell!
He loves to fish, Has all his life.
Wish he would catch a christian wife!
My daughter is Amber 26,
If i could I'ld send you pics,
Christy Brinkley would have to pout,
My Amber's a beauty...inside and out!
She's in style with the latest trends,
She's a sweetie,And we're best friends!
My grandaughter is Sunny,She lights up my world,
Theres never been a more precious little girl!!
My son-in-law is Rodney, broad-shouldered and strong
Has a big heart and can sing you a song!
Well lets see, my looks...Im blond,
They say I favor Goldie Hawn!!
I guess I might a little bit,
If she grew fat and I got fit!
Now you know me through and through
Well, i might have left out a thing or two
I guess I could mention my Whole family,
but that would take a century.
See there are 60 or so that live in my town
not counting the ones that have moved around
So i'll save that till later,Ill give some their own spot
But for now I must tell you its late I must stop!
God bless you all,may your days and nights be filled with His peace.
Now that you know a little about me sign my slam book, so Ill know a little about you!!!
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Ya'll Come back real soon, ya hear!!!
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